The Kellys

The Kellys
Welcome to the Nica Kelly blog! Keep up to date with school "Colegio Cristiano Manto de Gracia" in Nueva Guinea, Nicaragua.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Our library is off to a good start, but to reach our goals we need lots of good reading books - in Spanish - for kids from pre-school thru high school. If you have any or want to order them, you can send them to us either in the US or Nicaragua.

   11625 Custer Rd. # 110-245
   Frisco, TX   75035

   Colegio Manto de Gracia
   Zona 8, del hotel Miraflores 1 c al este
   Nueva Guinea, RAAS
   Nicaragu, Central America

Monday, October 6, 2014

Computer class

After years of planning and bringing laptops down to Nicaragua one by one, we finally had our first after school computer class. Martha Moraga, our teacher, does a good job of connecting with the kids.

If by chance you missed our latest newsletter, you can see it at:
October newsletter